Getting Started
Before Bio Identical Hormone Therapy begins, hormone testing may be required.
FSH, estradiol, testosterone (free and total), TSH, and free T4.
PSA, estradiol, testosterone (free and total), TSH, and free T4, blood count and liver if on statin drugs.
Continuing Therapy
To maintain optimal levels of testosterone, the Hormone procedure needs to be done every 3-5 months in women and 4-6 months in men.
Insurance may not cover this therapy. However, some insurance companies do reimburse the patient for their expenses.
Data & Safety
Clinical support both the safety and efficacy of Hormone testosterone therapy and pellet implants. For further information, please view the Data section at: www.hormonebalance.org.
Testosterone, delivered by Bio Identical Hormone Therapy, is heart and brain (neuro) protective, does not adversely affect the liver, or increase blood clots. Testosterone therapy does not cause prostate cancer.
Testosterone, delivered by this type of system, does not increase the risk of breast cancer, unlike oral, synthetic Methyl-testosterone.

Bio Identical Pellet Hormone Therapy
Bio Identical Hormone Therapy is based on the continuous release of testosterone, resulting in a slow and more physiologic absorption of the hormone. Testosterone is vital to both physical and mental health. By this method of delivery, the natural mechanism of hormonal secretion is more nearly approached and the physiologic action of the "hormone of vitality" more closely imitated.
A 5-minute procedure using local anesthesia, a simple insertion technique, and a skin tape will provide months of Hormone Therapy for both men and women.
Most patients feel better mentally and physically within days. Others may take longer to notice the benefits of Hormone Therapy.
Proven Benefits of Pellet Hormone Therapy
- More energy
- Relief from hot flashes
- Better sleep
- Pain relief
- Migraine headache relief
- Improved memory & concentration
- Relief from depression & anxiety
- Increased muscle mass & strength
- Increased bone density
- Decreased soft fatty tissue
- Improved physical performance
- Improved skin tone & hair texture
- Increased libido & sexual satisfaction
- No increased risk of stroke or clots